Invest in Yourself with Financial Education

Invest in Yourself with Financial Education

“Invest in yourself, in your education. There’s nothing better.” – Sylvia Porter.

Investing in your education can offer so many benefits: a better career, higher income, and a happier social life. Gaining an education isn’t easy though. It takes patience, diligence, and hard work. This applies to financial education as well. Gaining financial education takes work, but the benefits outweigh the cost.

Gaining a better financial education can help you:

• Increase your earning potential

• Secure your retirement

• Pay off debts

• Increase your return on investment

• Improve your credit score

• Provide peace of mind with financial freedom

If gaining financial education offers all of these benefits, why don’t more people strive to obtain it?

As previously stated, financial education can take a lot of hard work. Many people don’t even know where to begin. There are so many different financial advisors out there who will tell you that they have the “one size fits all” program that’s right for you. So it’s hard to know what’s truly the best option for you.

Others wonder why they should gain financial education when they could just pay someone to do it. But the fact is that the only person fully committed to your pocketbook is you. No one will ever care about your financial future as much as you do. Plus, needing someone else to make financial decisions is a dependence… that’s not true financial independence.

“If you think (financial) education is expensive, try ignorance,” – Andy McIntyre

At RentPlus, we understand the importance of financial education. We offer FinStrong with research-based financial principles designed to help you identify what you value most.

But, with all of the financial advisors and programs trying to convince you to heed their advice, why should you use FinStrong?

FinStrong is FREE for all RentPlus residents. You’ll learn how to be an expert budgeter and how to make financial decisions tailored to your values. With FinStrong, you’ll discover how well you are:

1.  Organizing and automating your finances with your values in mind.

2. Stockpiling finances by become a rockstar saver.

3. Taking charge of your debt by understanding it and paying it off.

4. Share what you know and have learned with those around you.

5. Seek wisdom by knowing how personal finances work.

FinStrong also offers FREE credit score education. FinStrong will walk you through the details of credit scores and help you know how to improve your score.

RentPlus is committed to helping our customers to become financially strong, financially smart, and financially prepared.

Gaining financial education may seem like a daunting task at first. But, with the help of FinStrong, you can become a financial guru. You’ll discover where to invest your money for the best return on investment. You’ll gain better understanding of where your money is going and how to make it work best for your needs.

The sooner you seek financial education, the sooner you can begin to reap the rewards. So, log into your FinStrong account today and get started on your financial freedom.


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